
This will be a slowly emerging project for me so please be patient while this blog is developed.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mod Podge Desk

We found this little former sewing desk at the thrift store for $5 (on 50% off day) and decided to use it as a desk in my daughter's room. She will not let me paint it just yet, but did ask for a mod podge drawer.

I let her pick out the paper and she selected this adorable ballet print. She helped me put it on and I think she did a great job. She is very happy about her new little desk.


  1. Oh man that is so cute! I totally want something like that for Brie! What kind of paper did you use and how did you get it to stick to the drawer? If you don't mind, I might steal this idea! That is soooo cute!

  2. Oh thanks. I just let her pick out some scrap book paper and used mod podge. Brie would love it!
